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Conscious Flow Radio

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

History Channel says: Anthrax attacks were an Inside Job

(Original-existentialist cowboy)

Not long after the televised attacks on New York City, US citizens were attacked by the government of the United States itself, though it was hoped that the American people would accept the ruse and swallow an absurd cover that some radical, Islamic terrorist had somehow gotten hold of US "weapons grade" anthrax and was threatening only Democrats and media unfriendly to the Bush junta. Bob Stevens, photo editor for American Media’s tabloid Sun lay critically ill in a Florida hospital diagnosed as having inhaled anthrax. He would die, no doubt a victim of the US government itself. He would join about 3,000 other victims of the treasonous war this government has waged upon the people of America.

In short order, other laced envelopes appeared, most notably letters addressed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. As Ed Encho accucrately points out in the comments section, Tom Daschle was Democratic Senate Majority Leader; Patrick Leahy was Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman. These men might have used their positions to stop the implementation of the USA Patriot Act, a blueprint for the tyranny with which we live now. Method, motive, and opportunity!