Monday, March 31, 2008
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
Wyoming Sheriff puts Feds in their place
Wal-Mart Milk will no longer come from Hormone-injected Cows
"It's reached the tipping point," said Ronnie Cummins, director of the Organic Consumers Association in the U.S., who has spent years campaigning against the use of hormones designed to boost milk production by up to 15 per cent in dairy cows.
Grocery chain Kroger Co., with 2,500 stores in the U.S., began last month selling only milk produced without the use of hormones like recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST). Safeway Inc., with more than 1,700 stores, has switched its in-store brands to non-rBST milk, though it also sells other brands produced from cows given the hormone. And starting in January, Starbucks Corp. has only used non-rBST milk in its stores.
Friday, March 21, 2008
U.S. scientists discover genetic switch to "turn off" HIV
The DC Gun Ban Doesn't Work
Eliot's Mess - The $200 billion bail-out for predator banks and Spitzer charges are intimately linked
Radiohead's Thom Yorke, Climate Change Optimist
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Judicial Watch Uncovers 3 Deaths Relating to HPV Vaccine
The Age of Criminalizing Children
Monday, March 17, 2008
New Orleans Homeless rate swells to 1 in 25
New Report on Abu Ghraib prisoners
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Indian DNA links to '6 Founding Mothers'
NEW YORK - Nearly all of today's Native Americans in North, Central and South America can trace part of their ancestry to six women whose descendants immigrated around 20,000 years ago, a DNA study suggests.
Those women left a particular DNA legacy that persists to today in about about 95 percent of Native Americans, researchers said.
This DNA is found in the mitochondria, the power plants of cells. Unlike the DNA found in the nucleus, mitochondrial DNA is passed along only by the mother. So it follows a lineage that connects a person to his or her mother, then the mother's mother, and so on.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Del tha Funkee Homosapien speaks...
powered by BREAKDOWN FM & ODEO
The 11th Hour Striketh-An Interview w/ Del
by Davey DWe sat down and spoke with Oakland legend and Hiero frontman Del tha Funky Homosapien. He just released a new album called ‘The 11th Hour’ as the collective just celebrated its 10 year anniversary.
Del noted that he's ambivalent and that he doesn't really pay too much attention to anniversaries although he does appreciate all the fanfare being made about the group being around for so long.
"Actually we been around longer", Del notes.
He then walks us through his long career which goes back to 1991 when he hooked up with Sir Jinx of Da Lench Mob. He talks about how Jinx was connected to his cousin Ice Cube's original group CIA. He also talked about being a rapper in high school here in 'Tha town'-Oakland.
Del went on to talk about how Hiero eventually formed. He noted that the collective formed with him A Plus and Taje who were in a group called Rhythm and Excellence which later became known as Souls of Mischief. A few years latewr they adapted the name Hieroglyphics.
Del spoke to us about how and why he studied music theory and how it made him a better emcee and and song writer. He talked about his love of funk music as defined by Parliament/ Funkadelic and the long relationship Hip Hop especially out here on the West Coast has had with that genre.
Del also talked to us about his relationship with his cousin Ice Cube and how he was given his first shot by his famous cousin. He later went on to pen some of the lyrics to Cube’s biggest hits including ‘Gangsta Fairytale’ and ‘Who’s The Mack?’. He later wrote songs for Yo Yo.
Del revealed that early on his career there were so called Hip Hop purists who hated on him and claimed that the music he was doing both on his own album ‘I Wish My brother George Were Here’ and with Cube was NOT real Hip Hop. He rebelled and moved in another direction. Its something he regrets because he eventually realized that Hip Hop was not this big fraternity or family the way people made it out to be. He noted that many who talked out and tried to define were full of contradictions and at the end of the day, it was not about trying to appease other 'Hip Hoppers' but to appease his audience and fans. Del concluded that he had focused far too long on being technical i.e. being a dope lyricist and not being a good artist who connects with people.
Del talked about the fervent fan base that he and the mighty Hiero Crew has and got his take as to why they can routinely sell out shows, sell lots of albums, yet not recieve any commercial airplay. This topic was the subject of a recent cover story here in the Bay Area in the SF Weekly. Del drops some serious science onto that phenomenon. He says he wants to change that practice and move things to another level.
Del gave us the real scoop behind the hit song ‘Clint Eastwood’ which he rapped on with the group the Gorillaz. Apparently Del was not supposed to be the original rapper for that project. Producer and long time friend Dan the Automator wasn’t feeling the first rapper and turned to Del who happen to be in the studio that night. Unbekwonst to Dan, Del had recently purchased a book called ‘How to Write a Hit Song’. The purchase was supposed to be a joke but Del soon discovered the book had lots of game that he was able to apply to the Gorillaz track which went on to be nominated for a Grammy.
We concluded our interview by talking about the art of battling and who is the best emcee amongst the Hieros. We also went into great detail about the infamous battle between Hiero and Hobo Junction. del explains why he didn’t show up that night on the Wake Up Show and the conflict he was having in trying to calm things down.
Del ended our interview by talking about how he would love to do a song with hometwon heroes Too Short and E-40.
You can peep the Del Interview on Breakdown FM by clicking here
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Heated 'Hobbit' Debate Takes New Turn with Thyroid Theory
Exhaustive Review Finds No Link Between Saddam, Al Qaeda
Gulf War Syndrome Firmly Linked to Chemical Exposure
Friday, March 7, 2008
Jersey Children's Home Hell: Victims of Haut de la Garenne tell their story
Satanic Child Abuse and The Beast of Jersey
Edward Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, was the son of wealthy Jersey landowners.
During the period 1958 - 1971, Paisnel abducted and abused a number of children.
Paisnel was a fan of the 15th-century Breton, Gilles de Rais, who murdered around 200 children.
The authorities discovered that Paisnel had a secret satanic chamber. (Sir Peter Crill obituary - Times Online)
Paisnel claimed he was a member of a satanic group.
File: /files/Religion/Wicca/witchcraftDeviltry.txt
No other members of the 'black magic group' were ever arrested.
In 1971, Paisnel was convicted of thirteen sex offences against young children, ( The Human Beast ) and sent to jail.
Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, visited Jersey's Haut de la Garenne orphanage dressed as Father Christmas during his reign of terror in the 1960s (Notorious paedophile dubbed the 'Beast of Jersey' linked to ...)
Haut de la Garenne: Why Abuse on this Level could happen again
But there was another insidious factor in Islington - one which I fear leaves other children at equal risk today.
Author admits making up memoir of surviving Holocaust
Clintons to Face Fraud Trial
Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration after 50
Award-Winning Reporter details Media Blackout on Mexican Military Incursions
Was Moses Hallucinating His Religious Experiences?
Raped and Silenced In the Barracks
“It breaks my heart to do that,” she says, “but I want to get them out alive and that’s my main goal.”
FLASHBACK: Bin Laden Already Dead -- 2001 Fox News
Kidnapped By The CIA
For hours, the words come pouring out of Abu Omar as he describes his years of torture at the hands of Egypt's security services. Spreading his arms in a crucifixion position, he demonstrates how he was tied to a metal door as shocks were administered to his nipples and genitals. His legs tremble as he describes how he was twice raped. He mentions, almost casually, the hearing loss in his left ear from the beatings, and how he still wakes up at night screaming, takes tranquilizers, finds it hard to concentrate, and has unspecified "problems with my wife at home." He is, in short, a broken man.
7 Conspiracies That Actually Happened
So where does your average conspiracy buff go to learn about shadowy plots that aren't pure tinfoil hattery?
Look no further.