June 4, 2008
Dear readers and visitors to thepeoplesvoice,
Mordechai Vanunu has sent a letter to us and other Web sites asking for our support.
We want to encourage readers to email their State representatives before Vanunu's July 8 court date.
Please contact your state representatives and tell them that Vanunu should be allowed to leave Israel and live in Norway. Vanunu told the world the truth about Israel's nuclear ambitions and he suffered over eighteen years imprisonment and repression because of it. Now he only wishes to be free and to live in peace. Please contact your representatives and tell them to support Vanunu's right to leave Israel.
Contact Congress Contact Your Senator
Vanunu's letter:
Dear Editors
I am Mordechai Vanunu, the man who told the truth about Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program in 1986 and paid with 18 years of my life in isreal Prison. I was released in April 2004, but Israel denied me my human rights of free speech and freedom movement.not allowed to leave since 1986,until now 2008.
On July 8, 2008, I will return to court to appeal a new 6 months prison sentence for speaking to foriegn Media since my release in 2004.
I am asking the Media to report on my case and on the efforts of Norwegian Lawyers and citizens to grant me asylum.
Israel claims I still have a secret about their underground nuclear plant-a place I have not been to in twenty-three years and international atomic energy inspectors never have.
I said all I knew about Israel's Nuclear weapons Programs in 1986, because I [listened to] the voice of my conscience and wanted to avoid a nuclear wars. Since 2004, I have spoken with thousands of tourists and pilgrims in east Jerusalem and taped hours of video available on the World Wide Web.
Israel was founded contingent on upholding the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I am asking the world to demand they honor it, and not only on this case.
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.- Article 13-2.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. -Article 19.
By: Mordechai Vanunu June 4, 2008