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Conscious Flow Radio

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Forced Vaccinations part of Dark Eugenics Agenda

Assembly Bill 10942 would force children to take vaccines with or without parental consent in order to be admitted into these government facilities.

Here is a summary of some of the horrifying revelations that are in this particular bill.

Section 7 of the bill makes it easier for the government to forcibly inject residents and employees of care facilities with vaccines.
Section 10 of the bill requires meningococcal vaccinations for students in the seventh grade.
Section 11 of the bill requires college students to take the meningococcal vaccine.
Section 13 of the bill makes a series of vaccinations mandatory for students entering the seventh grade.
Section 15 and 16 of this bill requires that children be injected with a series of vaccinations that are approved and recommended by the U.S. Public Health Services of which the CDC falls under.
Section 17 allows physicians to forcibly inject minors with vaccines that supposedly prevent STD’s without parental consent.

This is not freedom folks. The government has no right to mandate that all children must take vaccines just to attend their brainwashing camps. This is another system of control and it must be resisted. There is too much evidence to indicate that these vaccines are not safe and making them mandatory is disgusting. Take this one report in which 3,500 adverse affects have been reported from young women who have taken Merck’s HPV Vaccine. Or check out this report from the American Chronicle which covers a research project that studied the effects of a typical vaccine load given to children on infant monkeys. The study revealed that the infant monkeys developed autism like signs and symptoms from taking the same vaccines that are commonly injected into children.
There is no doubt that there is a major effort by the establishment powers to hide the fact that there is a great deal of anecdotal and scientific evidence to indicate that these vaccines are the cause of the rampant increase in autism. Steve Watson over at InfoWars has gone into greater detail about this bill, other cases of the government forcing children to be vaccinated and the overall subject of vaccine autism. Be sure to check it out for even more information about this very important subject.